Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Medium is the Message: YouTube

What exactly does Marshall McLuhan mean when he says the medium is the message? Well, I'd say that the medium in which a statement is made or a story is told can actually influence the way an audience perceives what they are seeing/reading/hearing. Along with that, simply the medium itself can create a message on its own. YouTube can be considered one of these many mediums. YouTube, especially when compared to television is a very free form of entertainment and media. I don't just mean free as in not having to pay though. There's much more to it, and that is the message.  YouTubers can post nearly any kind of video they want, anywhere from a video blog to an animation they made themselves. Equally, those who go on YouTube can watch whatever they want as well, at any time. People can say almost whatever they want in their videos or comment whatever they want on a video. Anyone can become a star if they try hard enough. They can get paid from having ads in their videos by simply producing whatever they like to produce. To me, the main message that YouTube gives us is freedom, the freedom to produce and watch almost whatever we please.

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