Monday, March 2, 2015

Power in Our Pockets

Today, smartphones seem as though they are a must in our continuously advancing technological world, but not too long ago, they didn't even exist. Smartphones have completely changed the way we live, how we view the world, and even how we run our day to day lives. Smartphones give an individual so much power, along with powering groups as well. With the device that today, seems so simple to us, we can access practically endless information on the web. This information gathering could be spurred by a conversation, seeing or hearing about something we want to learn more about, etc. We can use apps to scan or investigate an item, a song, and so much more, that then tells us what we have scanned or links us to a website. We can use our smartphone as a translator, a flashlight, a radio, a computer, a television, and so much more. It's like an incredibly advanced Swiss Army Knife. Then there is the social aspect. We use smartphones to not only connect to others through telephone calls and texting, but through social media, video chatting, email, and other messaging systems. We can use our phones to tell people where we are, what we are doing, or simply give others our thoughts at that moment. We can use our phones to hold important meetings, private discussions, or simply to joke around with a friend/friends and maybe share a few funny pictures and gifs. An item that we take for granted today, an item that costs anywhere from around $300-$600 more or less, would have been absolutely unimaginable, priceless, and even magical in previous decades. It's amazing to think how much we can do today with a device that we can easily slip into our pockets (not so much if you a girl. Those pockets are tiny). Just think about fitting all those tools and information into your pocket if smartphones didn't exist, if tablets didn't exist, if computers didn't exist. It would take an entire warehouse to store all of that.

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